September 30, 2013

September 30 ~ Reading Blocks 2, 3, 4

Today we started our week 2 Reading Warm-Ups.  Then we took notes on our new genre ~ a science article.  Students wrote down their vocab words and started their predictions.

Homework: Write six sentences using your vocabulary words in each sentence.  Your vocabulary words: predictions, reliable, detect, severe, destruction, and stadium. 

Reminder: Lit Circle ~ reading chunk and job.  Your job for the week was Illustrator.     

September 30 ~ Reading Block 1

Today we started our week 2 Reading Warm-Ups.  Then we took notes on our new genre ~ a science article.  Students wrote down their vocab words and started their predictions.

Homework: Write a paragraph using your vocabulary words.  Your vocabulary words: predictions, reliable, detect, severe, destruction, and stadium. 

Reminder: Lit Circle ~ reading chunk and jobs.  Your two jobs for the week were Illustrator and Literary Connector.   

September 26, 2013

September 25/September 26 ~ Social Studies

September 25th ~ 
    Students went to the library and checked out books.  They also browsed through the book fair.  The book fair will be going until Monday and only runs during school hours.
     We looked up some stocks as a class and discussed the price, graph, and whether or not we should invest in them.

September 26th ~
    Students got their stock market groups and planned on what stocks they would purchase.  Tomorrow students will make their first trades.

Study the states and capitals

September 25th and September 26th ~ Reading Blocks 2, 3, 4

September 25th ~ 
      We reviewed book parts by playing jeopardy.

September 26th ~
    We finished centers.  See Tuesday for the centers.

Reading Quiz tomorrow ~ The Wreck of Zephyr

September 25 and 26 Reading ~ Block 1

September 25th ~ 
    Students had a chance to read their verb poems that they created.  They took notes on a genre.  Then we reviewed book parts by playing jeopardy.

September 26th ~
    We finished centers.  See Tuesday for the centers.

Reading Quiz tomorrow ~ The Wreck of Zephyr

September 24, 2013

Social Studies ~ September 24

I would like to apologize for not keeping up on the blog.  Blogging is new to me and I am still working at it.  With that being said here is Mondays and Tuesdays reading work.

Students enjoyed watching reader's theater put on by the blue pod intervention group.  

Students took a risk analysis test to see what kind of risk taker they are.   They will be placed in their stock market group based on that.  We will begin working more on this tomorrow.

Reminder: Students should be studying their states and capitals.  

September 24 ~ Reading Blocks 2, 3, 4

I would like to apologize for not keeping up on the blog.  Blogging is new to me and I am still working at it.  With that being said here is Mondays and Tuesdays reading work.

Students worked on vocabulary Frayer Model with a group.  Students presented their word to the class and the rest of the class so they could write their kid friendly defintions.  They needed to have their defintion for each word.  Here are this weeks words
  1. spire
  2. shoreline
  3. timbers
  4. hull
  5. treacherous
  6. ominous
Students should have also found out the genre of The Wreck of Zephyr.  They needed to make a prediction, read the story, and then write their evidence.  

Today we did centers.  

Center 1: Lit Circle ~ We discussed the book as well as the jobs that should have been done.  Then I introduced a new reading job.  Anyone that is not caught up in their lit circle book will be spending their recess getting caught up since they have had this book for three weeks already.  

Center 2: Silent/AR Reading ~ Students spend this time reading quietly their AR book.  They also have this time where they can take an AR test to reach toward their AR goal.  

Center 3: Fluency ~ students will time each other on how fast they can read their syllables.  

Center 4: Reading Skill ~ Making inferences ~ Students created an inference fold-able to put in their reading notebook.  Then they worked on making inferences with the inference triangle.  

September 24 ~ Reading Block 1

I would like to apologize for not keeping up on the blog.  Blogging is new to me and I am still working at it.  With that being said here is Mondays and Tuesdays reading work.

Students worked on vocabulary frames.  They needed to complete a frame for each word.  Here are this weeks words

  1. spire
  2. shoreline
  3. timbers
  4. hull
  5. treacherous
  6. ominous
Draw a rectangle.  In the middle of the rectangle write the word.  In the top right corner write the word's definition.  In the top let corner write the word's opposite and cross it.  In the lower left corner write a silly sentence that uses the definition of the word.  In the lower right corner draw a picture to help you visualize the concept.  

Students should have also found out the genre of The Wreck of Zephyr.  They needed to make two predictions, read the story, and then write their evidence.  

Today we did centers.  

Center 1: Lit Circle ~ We discussed the book as well as the jobs that should have been done.  Then I introduced two new reading jobs.  Anyone that is not caught up in their lit circle book will be spending their recess getting caught up since they have had this book for three weeks already.  

Center 2: Silent/AR Reading ~ Students spend this time reading quietly their AR book.  They also have this time where they can take an AR test to reach toward their AR goal.  

Center 3: Fluency ~ students will time each other on how fast they can read their syllables.  

Center 4: Reading Skill ~ Making inferences ~ Students created an inference fold-able to put in their reading notebook.  Then they worked on making inferences with the inference triangle.  

September 19, 2013

September 19 ~ Reading All Blocks

Finish centers.  See September 18th post about what we are doing.

Reminder: What you don't finish during class center time is consider homework.  Make sure you are keeping up with your lit center book and jobs.  

September 18 ~ Social Studies

Wednesday is our day to go to the library.  Be sure to bring your book in that day.

Students also learned a little more about the stock market simulation and we discussed ownership of different things.

Remember to keep studying your states and capitals.  

September 18 ~ Reading Blocks 2, 3, 4

We did centers today.

Center 1: Lit Circle ~ During this center students will be meeting with me to discuss their reading book.  They should have read their reading chunk and completed their job by the time they meet.  This means they have an entire week to get the reading and their job done. 

Center 2: AR/Silent Reading ~ During this center students have time to quietly read their AR book.  If they have finished a book, then they may take their AR test.  This is to help students reach their AR goal by the end of the quarter.  

Center 3: Fluency (Blocks 2 & 4) ~ Students finished their notes on fluency.  Then they partner read a book.  While partner reading they had to work on stopping at periods and taking a breath at commas.  At the end of the center, students rated themselves on how they did.  They then had to find one thing they did good and one thing they could work on.  

Center 3: Fluency (Block 3) ~ Students finished their notes on fluency.  Then they played Fly Swatter sight word.  

Center 4Story Elements ~ This week our reading skill focus is cause and effects.  Students read Wilma Unlimited and made a cause and effect chart.  Then students had to solve the cause and effect cards. 

September 18 ~ Reading Block 1

At the beginning of class we finished up our conversation on scholarships.  Students shared the scholarships they found and decided that the money they receive from a scholarship does not have to be paid back.

Today we started the centers.

Center 1: Lit Circle ~ During this center students will be meeting with me to discuss their reading book.  They should have read their reading chunk and completed their job by the time they meet.  This means they have an entire week to get the reading and their job done. 

Center 2: AR/Silent Reading ~ During this center students have time to quietly read their AR book.  If they have finished a book, then they may take their AR test.  This is to help students reach their AR goal by the end of the quarter.  

Center 3: Fluency ~ Students finished their notes on fluency.  Then they partner read a book.  While partner reading they had to work on stopping at periods and taking a breath at commas.  At the end of the center, students rated themselves on how they did.  They then had to find one thing they did good and one thing they could work on.  

Center 4Story Elements ~ This week our reading skill focus is cause and effects.  Students read Wilma Unlimited and made a cause and effect chart.  Then students had to create their own cause and effect cards.  

September 17 ~ Social Studies

We had a guest speaker on the stock market.  In the coming months we will be participating in a stock market exchange and students will have a chance to work with a team to buy and sell stocks.

September 17, 2013

September 17 ~ Reading Blocks 2, 3, 4

Students learned the new way of putting predictions into their reading notebook.  Predictions must now have evidence.  Evidence will include the page number the information is found on as well as whether or not their prediction was correct or incorrect. 

Students also learned a new way to do their definitions.  I no longer what them copying the definitions word for word.  They are to make a kid friendly definition.  This means that 3-5 of their own words are used.  

     1. athletic
     2. concentrating
     3. luxury
     4. astounding
     5. bushel
     6. scholarship

Homework: 1 predictions with evidence, pictures of their vocabulary words

Due tomorrow ~ Book Orders!!

September 17 - Reading Block 1

Students learned the new way of putting predictions into their reading notebook.  Predictions must now have evidence.  Evidence will include the page number the information is found on as well as whether or not their prediction was correct or incorrect. 

Students also learned a new way to do their definitions.  I no longer what them copying the definitions word for word.  They are to make a kid friendly definition.  This means that 3-5 of their own words are used.  

     1. athletic
     2. concentrating
     3. luxury
     4. astounding
     5. bushel
     6. scholarship

Scholarships brought up a big discussion in class.  Students will need to figure out if scholarships are something we pay back. 

Homework: 2 predictions with evidence, paragraph (story) using the vocabulary words, find a scholarship to share with the class ~ need name of scholarship, how you receive the scholarship, and do we pay back the scholarship (students may include any additional information they find on the scholarship)

Due tomorrow: Book Orders!!!

September 12, 2013

September 12 - Social Studies

Thank you to those that participated in our fundraiser and turned in their Money!!!

Students were able to see the results of their US Map pre-test.  We are creating a correct study guide that includes the correct spelling of the states and capitals.

Due tomorrow: Geography Terms Book

September 12 - Reading ALL Blocks

Students finished their other two centers today.    

Center 1: Lit Circle ~ During this center students will be meeting with me to discuss their reading book.  They should have read their reading chunk and complete their job by the time they meet.  This means they have an entire week to get the reading and their job done. 

Center 2: AR/Silent Reading ~ During this center students have time to quietly read their AR book.  If they have finished a book, then they may take their AR test.  This is to help students reach their AR goal by the end of the quarter.   Goals will be given out later this week. 

Center 3: Fluency ~ Students took notes on what fluency is so that next week they will be able to practice and grade each other on their fluency.

Center 4Story Elements ~ This week our reading skill focus is story elements.  Students read the story on page 45 and made a setting and character chart.

Reminder: Reading Quiz over The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 

September 11, 2013

September 11 - Social Studies

We finished taking notes on the five themes of geography.  We reviewed what was expected in their geography terms book.

DUE ~ September 13th Geography Terms Book
  • Title Page - My Geography Book      By:
  • 10 Terms - try for 5 from list A and 5 from list B
    • Each term needs the word, definition, picture, sentence using the word, and a real life example.
  • Index in alphabetical order

Below is a list of the terms that can be used.  

Due tomorrow: Fundraiser Money and packet!!!

September 11 - All Reading Blocks

Today we listened to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  While reading we discussed our story elements (setting and character).

Homework: Make a setting and character chart for the story.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

September 10 - Social Studies

Students took notes on the five themes of geography.  We will be using the five themes throughout the year.

Due Friday, September 13th ~ Geography Terms Book

  • What should be in their book
    • Title Page - My Geography Book      By:
    • 10 Terms
      • Each term needs the word, definition, picture, sentence using the word, and a real life example.
    • Index in alphabetical order

September 10 - All Reading Blocks

This week we began our center work.  We will be doing centers on Tuesday and Thursdays.  There are four centers.  Students will attend two centers on Tuesday and two on Thursday.

Center 1: Lit Circle ~ During this center students will be meeting with me to discuss their reading book.  They should have read their reading chunk and complete their job by the time they meet.  This means they have an entire week to get the reading and their job done.

Center 2: AR/Silent Reading ~ During this center students have time to quietly read their AR book.  If they have finished a book, then they may take their AR test.  This is to help students reach their AR goal by the end of the quarter.   Goals will be given out later this week.

Center 3: Fluency ~ Students took notes on what fluency is so that next week they will be able to practice and grade each other on their fluency.

Center 4: Story Elements ~ This week our reading skill focus is story elements.  Students read the story on page 45 and made a setting and character chart.

September 9, 2013

September 9th - Reading All Blocks

Week 2 Vocabulary
      1. vaguely
      2. approve
      3. presence
      4. bruised
      5. convenience
      6. offend

Homework ~ Part 1: Students will write a definition of each vocabulary word.  Then they are to draw a picture that matches the vocabulary word.  Pictures should be clearly marked of what word they go with.  Pictures may need speech bubbles or captions to clarify meaning.

Homework ~ Part 2: Students should write at least a 3 sentence prediction for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  

Image from Google

Book Orders

Book orders were sent home last week.  They will be due September 18th.  There are two ways that a family may order books.  They may fill out the slip and then bring in the money or they may order on-line.  See directions below for ordering on-line.

One-Time Class Activation Code: MD7JN

Dear Families,

Encouraging reading is one of the most important things we can do to help your child succeed. It can be tough finding the right books to keep them interested, which is why I am so excited that our class will be participating in Scholastic Reading Club this school year.

With Scholastic Reading Club:
    Every book you buy earns FREE Books for our classroom library
    You can choose from handpicked, grade- and reading-level-specific books for your child
    You'll find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks

Each month, your child will bring home Reading Club flyers. Together you can choose from books hand-selected by teachers and experts, and then order online or by returning your order form and payment to me.

I'd also love some help growing our classroom Reading Club. If you'd like to help out, please let me know! I'm excited to get our class reading!

Thank you for your support,

If This Is Your First Time Ordering Online:
     REGISTER at
     ENTER the Class Activation Code at the top of this letter
     CHOOSE from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
     SUBMIT the order to me by the due date listed on the website
     EARN FREE Books for our classroom too!

As always if you have questions feel free to contact me.  

September 5th - September 6th Reading All Blocks

September 5th - Students took the AIMS web fluency test.  Mr. Cooper will come in, in the next week or two to go over their scores with them.  He will explain where they are and where they want to be by the end of fifth grade.

September 6th - Students took their first weekly story test over The Wise Old Woman.  Then we worked in our Literature Circle groups.
     Block 1 - went over 3 of the 6 jobs: Summerizer, Vocab Enricher, and Character Captain.
     Blocks 2-4: went over the Summerizer job.  

September 4, 2013

September 4th - Social Studies

We continued to work on our geography terms book.  Our books will contain 10 geography terms.  Each term will have the term, definition, picture, the term used in a sentence, and then a real life example.

September 4th - Reading ALL Blocks

Today we took our MAZE test.  After the test students finished working on their Lit Circle contracts.

September 3rd - Social Studies

We began working on our geography terms.  As a class we labeled a map with different terms.  Students will have a quiz on the location of these terms later on in the month.  After labeling our map, we made our geography terms book.

September 3rd - Reading ALL Blocks

Today we are beginning our lit circles.  We will start the year off with a whole class novel.  During the novel the students will learn all the lit circle jobs and practice them.  After our first novel, students will read a different novel with their group based on their reading level.

Each class has groups.  The groups met with each other and began working on their lit circle contract.

Below are the books being read:
     Block 1: Tuck Everlasting
     Block 2: Dear Mr. Henshaw
     Block 3: The Mouse and the Motorcycle
     Block 4:

All Reading Blocks August 26th - August 30th

Here is a review of what we did last week in reading for all reading blocks.

Monday:  We took a Unit Pre-test and then students made bookmarks.  I am requiring students to have bookmarks in their books instead of folding pages.  This will help our books last longer.  Bookmarks we be laminated and then handed back to the students.

Tuesday: Classroom expectations were handed out.  These expectations should have been signed and returned.  We also wrote in our reading notebooks a predication for our weekly story The Wise Old Woman.

Wednesday:  We finished setting up our reading notebook.  Vocabulary for the story was introduced.  Our vocab words this week are
     1. conquered
     2. banner
     3. summoned
     4. scroll
     5. reluctantly
     6. prospered
Students are to write the definition for each word in their reading notebook.  Then they should use each word in a sentence that they create.

Thursday:  Today we worked on our reading skill: problem and solution.  We made a practice problem and solution chart together.  Then students worked with a partner to complete a problem and solution chart for A Special Gift.  If students didn't complete this chart in class it is considered homework.  

Friday: Today we read the The Wise Old Woman.  While reading we discussed the story.  Once we finished the story, students made a problem and solution chart for the story.

Below you will find an example of the problem and solution chart that we have been using for the week.

September 2, 2013


Good evening!  I am going to attempt to start a blog to help with what the homework is in Reading and in my homeroom Social Studies class.  This is the second spot to find out what is happening.  The number one spot is your child.  If you or your child is unsure of what is needed for class, then check out the blog page.  If you still have additional questions feel free to e-mail me.

Each student is required to having a reading notebook for my class.  This notebook does not have to be super fancy.  A spiral notebook that was bought at the beginning of the year will work just fine.  Markers will not be allowed in in the reading notebook.  If pictures are drawn they may be colored in with colored pencils or with crayons.  I would also like to see pencil being used.  Pens can become very messy especially when a mistake is made.  It is a good idea to have a couple pencils ready to go when the students enter class.

Below you will find a copy of the classroom expectations.  These expectations should have been signed.  Students will keep this page in their trapper under the reading tab.