February 28, 2014

Special Offer - Expires MARCH 7th!!

Limited Time Special Offer

Just a reminder: if they had a zero on their progress report I sent home they may come in during recess to make that up (this is mainly the center work), but they would only receive half credit.  We discussed how half credit is better than a zero.  I told them it was their choice and they needed to be responsible.  Also, if students received a 0*M on their grade sheet they may make that up as well and receive half credit.  All make-up work will be due Friday, March 7th.  After that their grade may not change.  

SS 2/28

Today students took their Midwest State Quiz.  We will take it one more time next Friday and then we will be moving on to a new region.  

We also had our pod meeting.

Reading ALL Blocks ~ 2/28

Today students read/listened to Life in Flatland.  After listening to the story students had to identify the author's purpose and author's point of view.  They also had to identify the genre of the story.  Students then were given the opportunity to read or work on missing assignments for about the last ten minutes of class.  

~ AR - The quarter is coming to an end.  Don't forget to do your AR reading!
~ Reading Olympics - Tonight is the last night to record time.  Have it ready to turn in on 
~ BLOCKS 1 & 2 - Lit Circles

February 27, 2014

SS ~ 2/27

Today we finished paying our bills and completed our check register.  Students got a chance to see their checkbook for Rural AmeriTowne and started filling them out.  

~ Quiz Tomorrow - Midwest States 

Reading ALL Blocks - 2/27

Today was our Lit Circle Day.  Groups 3 and 4 to have their last discussion on their book.  While the groups were meeting students had a must do list they needed to complete.  Our focus was author's purpose, comparing and contrasting, and reading for a variety of reasons.  

~ Grade Sheets Signed - if you do not bring them back signed tomorrow 
    you will be making a phone call home.  
~ AR - don't forget to continue reading every night.  The quarter is 
    coming to an end.  
~ RO - Only 2 more days!!!  Then we will see the results!
~ Blocks 1 and 2 - Lit Circle 

Limited Time Special Offer!!!

Limited Time Special Offer

Today students were given a once in a lifetime opportunity for my class.  I told them that if they had a zero on their progress report I sent home they may come in during recess to make that up, but they would only receive half credit.  We discussed how half credit is better than a zero.  I told them it was their choice and they needed to be responsible.  Also, if students received a 0*M on their grade sheet they may make that up as well and receive half credit.  All make-up work will be due Friday, March 7th.  After that their grade may not change.   

February 25, 2014


Today students worked on explaining how to fill out a check and a check register.  This was their constructed response for Social Studies.  

~ Study the Midwest States - Quiz FRIDAY!!

Reading ALL Blocks

Today was our Lit circle day.  Groups 1 and 2 meet to discuss/finish their book.  While groups were meeting the rest of the class worked on their must do list.  The focus this week is comparing and contrasting two articles, the author's purpose, reading for a variety of reasons, and practicing some test taking skills.  Students spend two days completing their must do list in class.  If they finish their list early, then students move on to the can do list.  

~ AR - don't forget to be reading every night.  
~ Reading Olympics - goes hand in hand with AR.  All you have to do is 
    record the time that you read.  
~ Lit Circle - some of you are working on finishing up your lit circle book.  

February 24, 2014

SS - 2/24

Today we continued to work on writing checks and getting the correct amounts in our registers (Math is the tricky part).

~ Quiz on Friday - Midwest STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!!!

Reading ALL Blocks - 2/24

Today we began a new story.  Our story is called Life in Flatland.  Students created a context clues chart for their vocabulary words.  There are three columns.  In the first column is the word and page number.  In the second column is their context clues.  That is where they use their context clues to figure out what their vocabulary word means.  After they have used context clues for their vocabulary words then they may use a glossary or dictionary to look up their words.  

Chart below:
Context Clues
  1. Dimensions
Pg 536

  1. Thickness
Pg 536

  1. Distinguished
Pg 540

  1. Landscape
Pg 544

  1. Trifle
Pg 541

  1. Unique
Pg 536

  1. Philosophers
Pg 540

~ AR - Only about 2 weeks left.  
~ Reading Olympics - don't forget to fill out your time sheet every night.
~ Lit Circle  - Many of you this is the last week.  Finish your reading, do 
    your reading log, and  don't forget your reading journal.
~ Vocab chart if you didn't finish in class today.  

February 12, 2014

SS ~ 2/12

Today we continued to work in our campaign groups.  Students finished working on posters, getting them hung in the hallway, and finalizing commercial plans.  Tomorrow they will present on vote on Rural AmeriTowne Mayor and Judge.  

~ Keep studying those states....next quiz will be February 21st.  

Reading BLOCKS 1-4 ~ 2/12

Today we took our Unit 4/Unit 5 Test.  This test was focused on theme, author's point of view, and author's purpose.  I also looked at the first week of their Reading Olympics.  

~ Lit Circle - Groups 3 & 4 will meet tomorrow.  Make sure you have your 
   journal entry, job, and reading done.
~ AR - read 20-25 minutes every night
~ Reading Olympics - don't forget to fill out your sheet of how much you 
    are reading.  

February 10, 2014

SS ~ 2/10

Today we began working with our campaign team.  Some teams are working with mayor candidates and some groups are working with judge candidates.  Students are creating a commercial and working on posters to support their candidate.  We will be having elections on Thursday.   

~ Study your states - we will have a quiz next week

Reading BLOCKS 3 & 4 ~ 2/10

Today we finished working in centers.  The focus of centers this week was comprehension, reading charts, and facts/nonfacts.  

~ Lit Circle - Groups 1 and 2 will be meeting tomorrow.  Make sure you 
   have done your reading and finished your job.  
~ AR - don't forget to read 25-30 minutes tonight.
~ Reading Olympics - don't forget to fill out your reading Olympics paper 
   for the time you spend reading at night. 

Reading BLOCKS 1 & 2 ~ 2/10

Today we began working on our new story.  We are reading The Riddle.  Students began working on their vocabulary foldable.  Our vocabulary words for this story are:

  • lamented
  • inquired
  • debt
  • apologized
  • hasty
  • refreshment
Remember that on the front you divide your rectangle with a diagonal line.  One one side the line you write the word and on the other side you draw a picture to represent that word.  Then you open up the flap.  On the inside you write a 7-up sentence using the word EXACTLY how it is given.  On the opposite side you write the definition.  

~ Vocabulary Foldable - make sure you finish it
~ Lit Circle - Groups 1 and 2 will be meeting tomorrow.  Make sure you 
   have done your reading and finished your job.  
~ AR - don't forget to read 25-30 minutes tonight.
~ Reading Olympics - don't forget to fill out your reading Olympics paper 
   for the time you spend reading at night. 

February 6, 2014

SS ~ 2/6

Today we continued working on deposits.  Then we met with Ms. Wright's class and began working on campaign speeches for mayor and judge.  We also began creating the laws for our town.  

~ State Quiz tomorrow


Reading BLOCKS 1-4 ~ 2/6

Today we began our new version of centers to go along with our literature circle meetings.  Students worked on completing tasks on the must do list that focused on comprehension and identifying facts and non-facts.  

~ Literature circle reading and job.  Don't forget to do your new aspect, the Literature Circle Journal.
~ AR - Make sure you do your AR reading
~ Reading Olympics   

February 4, 2014

SS ~ 2/4

Today we discussed checking and savings accounts.  We talked about the vocabulary that dealt with checking accounts: deposit, withdraw, check, endorsement, balance, and overdraft.  

Students were able to see examples of credit cards, debit cards, and reward cards.   

Tomorrow we will begin making deposits and writing checks.  

~ Quiz Friday

Reading BLOCKS 1-4 ~ 2/4

Today we worked on finishing our literature circle contracts and picked our first  job for our circle talk.  Afterwards students got a chance to watch a recording on how literature circle should work from students at our very own school. We then compared the video to how we do literature circles and how they would be changing.  

~ AR - you must have taken at least one AR quiz by tomorrow at 3:00 PM.     You know you are on track to meet your goal if you are at least half 
    way to your goal by tomorrow.  
~ Lit Circles - we have started our new book.  Make sure you are reading 
    your reading chunk for the week and completing your job.  

February 3, 2014

SS - 2/3

Today we discussed our constructed response.  Our constructed response dealt with supply and demand.  We discussed this and will be doing another constructed response on supply and demand later in the week.  

Afterwards students worked on creating their own Money.

~ Get your conference paper signed so I know the time works for your 
~ Get your blue pod newsletter signed.
~ State quiz on Friday.

Reading BLOCKS 3-4 ~ 2/3

Today students wrote down their Fluency and MAZE scores to see if they had grown and to see where they stood based on grade level.  They made goals for their spring scores.

Afterwards students worked on their Literature Circle Contract for their new books.  We will continue to work on contracts tomorrow.

~ AR - don't forget to do your nightly reading.  You should be half way to your    goal by Wednesday to make sure you are on the right track.
~ Lit Circle - groups 1 and 2 you need to make sure you have your reading          done and your literature circle job done.  

Reading BLOCKS 1-2 ~ 2/3

Today students wrote down their Fluency and MAZE scores to see if they had grown and to see where they stood based on grade level.  They made goals for their spring scores.

Afterwards students worked on their Literature Circle Contract for their new books.  We will continue to work on contracts tomorrow.  

~ AR - Don't forget to do your nightly reading.  You should be half way to your goal by Wednesday to make sure you are on the right track.