February 10, 2014

Reading BLOCKS 1 & 2 ~ 2/10

Today we began working on our new story.  We are reading The Riddle.  Students began working on their vocabulary foldable.  Our vocabulary words for this story are:

  • lamented
  • inquired
  • debt
  • apologized
  • hasty
  • refreshment
Remember that on the front you divide your rectangle with a diagonal line.  One one side the line you write the word and on the other side you draw a picture to represent that word.  Then you open up the flap.  On the inside you write a 7-up sentence using the word EXACTLY how it is given.  On the opposite side you write the definition.  

~ Vocabulary Foldable - make sure you finish it
~ Lit Circle - Groups 1 and 2 will be meeting tomorrow.  Make sure you 
   have done your reading and finished your job.  
~ AR - don't forget to read 25-30 minutes tonight.
~ Reading Olympics - don't forget to fill out your reading Olympics paper 
   for the time you spend reading at night. 

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