May 6, 2014

Reading ALL BLOCKS ~ 5/6

Today we finished reading the story.  Then students worked on answering questions 3 and 4.  Afterwards they read an AR book of their choice or worked on missing assignments.  


  1. Finish questions 3 and 4 if you did not finish in class.  They need to go in the purple section of your notebook.  Don't forget to use SLAMS.
  2. AR ~ you should be 75% of the way to your goal.  AR 75 club will start tomorrow. 
  3. Lit Circle ~ All lit circle books are due this week.  You need to finish reading, complete job #4, and complete journal entry #4.  Journal entry #4: Now that you have finished reading the book, would you recommend the book to a friend?  Why or why not?  (5-7 sentences) 

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