January 28, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/28

Today we discussed what you should and should not do at an interview.  Students are preparing for their Rural AmeriTowne Interviews that will take place Thursday and Friday of this week.  

~ Bring your library books (You will not have library for the next two weeks)
~ State Quiz on Friday - Green Section

BLOCKS 2, 3, and 4 Reading ~ 1/28

Today we worked on our constructed response for reading.  

~ AR - don't forget to read
~ Grade sheets need to be signed

BLOCK 1 Reading ~ 1/28

Today we worked on our constructed response for reading.  Afterwards students began working on their story questions for An Island Scrapbook using SLAMS.

~ Questions 1-5
~ AR - Don't forget to read tonight.
~ Grade Sheet needs to be signed

January 27, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/27

Today we finished our discussion on supply and demand.  We began working on creating our own form of money.  

~ Quiz on Friday - Green Section

BLOCK 3 Reading ~ 1/27

Today we finished reading our weekly story, An Island Scrapbook.  Afterwards students learned how to SLAM their answer when answering story comprehension questions.  They will be using this method to answer story questions from now on.

~ Story Questions 1, 4, and 5 on page 460.  Don't forget to SLAM your 
~ AR - don't forget to do 25-30 minutes of reading tonight.

BLOCKS 2 & 4 Reading ~ 1/27

Today we finished reading our weekly story, An Island Scrapbook.  Afterwards students learned how to SLAM their answer when answering story comprehension questions.  They will be using this method to answer story questions from now on.

~ Story Questions 1-5 on page 460.  Don't forget to SLAM your answer.
~ AR - don't forget to do 25-30 minutes of reading tonight.  

BLOCK 1 Reading ~ 1/27

Today we began our weekly story, An Island Scrapbook.  We discussed facts and non-facts.  We also began working on point of view.  

~ AR - Don't forget to read 25-30 minutes tonight!

January 24, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/24

We took our 2nd Southeast test today.  Many students ended up passing the test so we will be moving on to a new region next week.  It is the green region on your maps.   

Again there will be 12 states for you to name.  Be ready Friday!

Reading BLOCKS 2, 3, and 4 ~ 1/24

Today we started our story, An Island Scrapbook.  We had lots of discussion about what was happening in the story and discussion on facts and non-facts.

~ Don't forget to do your AR reading!!!

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 1/24

We had our Baker Academic Assembly today during block 1.  Way to go to those students who received a certificate for straight A's for 1st semester (quarters 1 and 2) and/or the Baker Bulldog Pride Award!  Blue pod did an outstanding job representing!

~ Don't forget to do your AR reading!!!

January 23, 2014

SS - 1/23

Today students finished working on their constructed response.  This week their constructed response dealt with supply and demand.  Afterwards we began learning about the history of money.  

~ State Quiz tomorrow!  Are you ready?

Reading BLOCKS 3/4 ~ 1/23

Today students finished up their notes on common themes.  We began a new story.  Our story is An Island Scrapbook.  Students took notes on our genre: Narrative Nonfiction.  They had to create kid friendly definitions for their vocabulary words this week.  

An Island Scrapbook
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
  • Presents information in the context of a real-life story
  • Presents interesting facts about a topic, usually in time order
  • May include photographs, illustrations, charts, and other visuals

~ Vocabulary ~

  1. Naturalist
  2. Barrier
  3. Parallel
  4. Teeming
  5. Emerge
  6. Fireball
~ Complete your definitions and then use each word in a sentence.  Make 
   sure the sentence is a 7-up sentence.  
~ AR - don't forget to do your reading tonight.

Reading BLOCK 2 ~ 1/23

Today students started a new story.  We will be reading An Island Scrapbook.  Students took notes on the genre - Narrative Nonfiction.  Next they had to find the definitions of the vocabulary words.  

An Island Scrapbook
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
  • Presents information in the context of a real-life story
  • Presents interesting facts about a topic, usually in time order
  • May include photographs, illustrations, charts, and other visuals

~ Vocabulary ~

  1. Naturalist
  2. Barrier
  3. Parallel
  4. Teeming
  5. Emerge
  6. Fireball
We also began our notes on roots, prefixes, and suffixes.  

~ Finish vocabulary definitions.  Use your vocabulary words to write a        
~ AR - Do 25-30 minutes of reading tonight.

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 1/23

Today we went over our root words and added to our chart.  We also began a new story.  We will be reading An Island Scrapbook.  Students took notes on our genre Narrative Nonfiction and they received their new vocabulary words.  

Roots Chart
Anti -



Equi -














Notes and Vocabulary Words

An Island Scrapbook
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
  • Presents information in the context of a real-life story
  • Presents interesting facts about a topic, usually in time order
  • May include photographs, illustrations, charts, and other visuals

~ Vocabulary ~

  1. Naturalist
  2. Barrier
  3. Parallel
  4. Teeming
  5. Emerge
  6. Fireball
  7. Erosion
  • Finish filling in your roots chart
  • Write the definition for each vocabulary word
  • Don't forget your AR reading

January 22, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/22

Today we went to the library.  Afterwards we began our social studies constructed response.  


  • State Quiz on Friday!

Reading BLOCK 4 ~ 1/22

Today students took their story quiz over How to Think Like a Scientist.  Afterwards we discussed the questions and answers.  Students then continued to take notes on some common themes they will find in their reading. 


  • AR ~ don't forget to do your 25-30 minutes of reading tonight.  

Reading BLOCKS 2 and 3 ~ 1/22

Today we took our story quiz for our story How to Think Like a Scientist.  We then reviewed the questions and discussed the answers. 


  • AR ~ don't forget to do your 25-30 minutes of reading tonight.

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 1/22

Today we took our story quiz on How to Think Like a Scientist.  Afterwards we began working on root words.  We discussed that root words are words that sometimes come form different language (Greek and Latin) and they help us fin the meaning of words.  We then began our chart for root words.  

Anti -





Equi -



  • AR ~ Make sure to do your 25-30 minutes of reading tonight
  • Complete the three root words on the chart.  Find the meaning and draw a picture (bio-, con-, equa-)

January 17, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/17

Today we took our first quiz over the Southeast region of the United States.  We had 6 students get 100%.  Way to go.  They will not have to take the quiz next Friday.  

After the quiz we work on our product survey.  Students created a question where to items, ideas, or products are surveyed.  They will finishing surveying their classmates on Tuesday to get an idea of what their class likes.  


  • Study Southeast region.  We will have a quiz next Friday (January 24th)

Reading BLOCK 4 ~ 1/17

Today students read our weekly story How to Think Like a Scientist.  After reading the story students began answering comprehension questions 2, 3, and 4.  Also today January book orders went home.  They are due on January 30th.  


  • Finish comprehension questions 2, 3, and 4 
  • AR ~ make sure you read 25-30 minutes every night

Reading BLOCKS 1, 2, 3 ~ 1/17

Today we took notes on theme and practiced finding the theme of stories.  Also January book orders went home today.  They are due on January 30th. 


  • AR ~ Read 25-30 minutes a night
  • Book Orders ~ check them out with your parents

January 16, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/16

Today we continued our lessons with Rural AmeriTowne. We discussed suppply and demand.  


  • State Quiz tomorrow!!!

Reading ALL Blocks ~ 1/16

Today we took our mid-year fluency test.  Afterwards students spent the last few minutes of class silent reading.  


  •      AR ~ Read 25-30 minutes tonight

January 15, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/15

Today we went to the library and continued our Rural AmeriTowne lessons.  Our focus today was about choices and decisions that we have to make.  


  • State Quiz Friday!!!

Reading BLOCK 4 ~ 1/15

Click on the link for your homework. 

Reading BLOCK 3 ~ 1/15

Today we read our new story.  We read How to Think Like a Scientist.  Afterwards we answered the story questions.  

  • Story questions 3 and 4 on page 428
  • AR ~ Don't forget to read 25-30 minutes

Reading BLOCKS 1 & 2 ~ 1/15

Today we read our new story.  We read How to Think Like a Scientist.  Afterwards we answered the story questions.  


  • Story questions 2, 3, and 4 on page 428
  • AR ~ Don't forget to read 25-30 minutes

January 14, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/14

Today we continued our Rural AmeriTowne lessons.  Our focus was on needs and wants.  Our needs and wants affect our choices that we make and the choices that producers make.  We also looked at some resources available to us.  


  • Library tomorrow ~ Don't forget your library books
  • State Quiz Friday ~ Are you ready?

Reading BLOCK 4 ~ 1/14

Today we took our mid-year comprehension test.  Afterwards students worked on their story questions about Carlos and the Skunk.  


  • Finish story questions 1-5 on page 404
  • AR ~ read 25-30 minutes tonight

Reading BLOCKS 1, 2, 3 ~ January 14

Today is reading we took our mid-year comprehension test.  Afterwards we began working on our vocabulary foldable for our new story.  The sheet of paper should be folded in half hot dog style.  We then divided it into six sections and cut on those lines.  This allowed us to have flaps.  On the front we drew diagonal lines dividing our flap in half.  On the top half we wrote our vocabulary words. (Our six vocabulary words this week: normally, assignments, automatically, observations, carelessly, and swerved.)  On the bottom you will draw a picture to help you remember what that word looks like.  See the picture below.

Front of vocabulary foldable

On the inside of the flap you are going to write a sentence using the vocabulary word.  Make sure you underline the word.  Across from the sentence you need to write the definition of the word.  See picture.

Inside the foldable

  • Finish your vocabulary foldable
  • AR ~ read 25-30 minutes tonight

January 13, 2014

Social Studies ~ 1/13

Today in social studies we continued our Rural AmeriTowne lesson.  We worked on the Free Enterprise System.  


  • State Quiz on Friday!!

Reading BLOCKS 3 & 4 ~ January 13th

Today students made salsa in class and enjoyed eating it.  This helped us realized that their are different purposes to reading.  We also learned the importance of following the steps in a process.    

  • AR ~ You should be reading 25-30 minutes everyday.

Reading BLOCKS 1 & 2 ~ January 13th

Today students made salsa in class and enjoyed eating it.  This helped us realized that their are different purposes to reading.  We also learned the importance of following the steps in a process.  Afterwards we began making our vocabulary fold-able.  

  • AR ~ You should be reading 25-30 minutes everyday.  

January 10, 2014

Social Studies ~ January 10th

Today we went and watched the geography bee.  Afterwards we had our pod meeting.  Students were reminded of their 3rd quarter contract.  

We will have our state test next Friday! 

Reading BLOCK 3 ~ January 10th

Today we took our story test for Carlos and the Skunk.  Afterwards we worked on our story questions.   


  • AR ~ Read 25-30 minutes nightly
  • Questions 1-3 on page 404 if you did not finish in class

Reading BLOCKS 1, 2, 4 ~ January 10th

Today we took our story test for Carlos and the Skunk. 


  • AR ~ Read 25-30 minutes nightly

January 9, 2014

Social Studies ~ January 9th

Today we continued to learn about Rural AmeriTowne.  We talked about producers and consumers.  This lead to a discussion of loans, taxes, and credit.  


  • State Quiz tomorrow (Southeast section)

Reading BLOCKS 3 & 4

Today we made our predictions for the story Carlos and the Skunk.  Afterwards we read the story.  


  • Finish reading the story Carlos and the Skunk
  • AR ~ Don't forget to read 25-30 minutes every night.  

Reading BLOCK 2 ~ January 9th

Today we reviewed expectations when answering questions.  Students then worked on answering questions 1-5.  


  • Finish reading questions on page 404
  • AR ~ Don't forget to do you 25-30 minutes of reading every night.

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ January 9th

Today students worked on the last two comprehension questions for Carlos and the Skunk.  Afterwards we worked on theme.  Theme is the message in the story.


  • Questions 4 and 5 on page 404 if you didn't finish in class.
  • AR ~ Make sure you are reading 25-30 minutes every night.  

January 8, 2014

January 8th ~ Social Studies

Today we went to library.  After library we began working on Rural AmeriTowne.  Today we brainstormed words that were associated with economics and free enterprise. 


  • Study for state quiz on Friday (Southeast Region - Blue)

January 8th ~ Reading BLOCK 4

Today we worked on our story vocabulary for Carlos and the Skunk.  We used our context clues chart to help us figure out what each word meant.  

Context Clues

Pg 390

Pg 399

Pg 396

Pg 394

Pg 394

Pg 390

  • Finish your vocabulary  chart if you didn't finish in class.  
  • AR ~ You should be reading 25-30 minutes every night.

January 8th ~ Reading BLOCK 3

Today we worked on our story vocabulary for Carlos and the Skunk.  We used our context clues chart to help us figure out what each word meant.  

Context Clues

Pg 390

Pg 399

Pg 396

Pg 394

Pg 394

Pg 390

  • Finish your vocabulary  chart if you didn't finish in class.  
  • AR ~ You should be reading 25-30 minutes every night.