January 23, 2014

Reading BLOCK 2 ~ 1/23

Today students started a new story.  We will be reading An Island Scrapbook.  Students took notes on the genre - Narrative Nonfiction.  Next they had to find the definitions of the vocabulary words.  

An Island Scrapbook
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
  • Presents information in the context of a real-life story
  • Presents interesting facts about a topic, usually in time order
  • May include photographs, illustrations, charts, and other visuals

~ Vocabulary ~

  1. Naturalist
  2. Barrier
  3. Parallel
  4. Teeming
  5. Emerge
  6. Fireball
We also began our notes on roots, prefixes, and suffixes.  

~ Finish vocabulary definitions.  Use your vocabulary words to write a        
~ AR - Do 25-30 minutes of reading tonight.

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