April 30, 2014

Reading ~ ALL BLOCKS 4/30

We are back!  After a few crazy weeks of schedule we are back to a regular class schedule.  Today students worked on their reading warm-ups and then began working on their center work.  Lit circle groups 1 and 2 met today.  While they were meeting students took their John Henry quiz, worked on facts and non-facts, and read mini AR books.  We will continue with our centers tomorrow and lit circle groups 3 and 4 will be meetings.


  1. Lit Circles - groups 3 and 4 finish reading chunk three, job three, and journal entry three.  Journal entry three: Discuss why you liked or disliked the reading chunk.  Give examples and reasons. (5-7 sentences) 
  2. Lit Circles - groups 1 and 2 start working on finishing up your lit circle book.  Work on job four and journal entry four.  Journal entry four: Now that you are finished reading your book, would you recommend your book to a friend?  Why or why not?  (5-7 sentences)
  3. AR - AR 50 club started today.  Keep reading!!! 

April 11, 2014

Reading BLOCKS 2, 3, 4 ~ 4/11

Today we read our story John Henry as a class.  Afterwards students had a few minutes to work on their lit circle book or read a book of their choice.  

  • AR ~ Don't forget to do your 20-25 minutes of reading.  You should be halfway to your goal by April 23rd.
  • Lit Circle ~ Groups 1 & 2 will be meeting on Tuesday.  Make sure you have read your reading chunk.  Make sure your lit circle job 1 and journal entry 1 are done.  Remember these should be on a separate sheet of paper NOT in your notebook.
    • Journal entry #1: What do you think will happen next? (5-7 sentences)  

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 4/11

Today students read the story John Henry with a partner.  Afterwards students worked on their public service announcement to elect John Henry for Mayor.  Before getting started we discussed what a public announcement is and came up with qualities we would like in a mayor.


  • Finish your public service announcement.  This should be in the purple section of your notebook.
  • AR ~ Don't forget to do your 25-30 minutes of reading.  You should be halfway to your goal by April 23rd.
  • Lit Circle ~ Groups 1 & 2 will be meeting on Tuesday.  Make sure you have read your reading chunk.  Make sure your lit circle job 1 and journal entry 1 are done.  Remember these should be on a separate sheet of paper NOT in your notebook.
    • Journal entry #1: What do you think will happen next? (5-7 sentences)  

April 10, 2014

SS ~ 4-10

Today students worked on debit card transactions in their register.  Students also found out what their job for Rural AmeriTowne would be.  


  • State quiz tomorrow.  It will be on the purple section.  

Reading ALL BLOCKS ~ 4/10

Today we met in our lit circle groups.  Each student drew their first job and wrote down their first journal entry question.

Journal Entry #1: What do you think will happen next?  (Remember this is your thoughts and feelings about your book NOT a summary.  It should be 5-7 sentences long.)

After finishing contracts and drawing jobs, students had a chance to start their lit circle book or read a book of their choice.  


  • AR ~ don't forget to do your nightly reading
  • Lit circle ~ start reading your book, work on your job and journal entry.  Don't forget that your job and journal entry go on a separate sheet of paper NOT in your notebook.   

April 9, 2014

SS ~ 4/9

Today we went to library and then continued working on Rural AmeriTowne.  We discussed responsible debit card users.  Afterwards we practiced writing down transactions in our registers.  


  • Don't forget we have a quiz on Friday.
  • Bring in your permission slips signed.  

Reading BLOCK 3 ~ 4/9

We started our new story today.  Our new story is John Henry.  We began by writing the definition of our vocabulary words in the blue section of our notebook.  Below are the six vocabulary words.

1. rebuild
2. acre
3. dynamite
4. commotion
5. pulverized
6. grit

Afterwards students were given the chance to be creative.  They worked with their teammates to create a skit/video of their vocabulary words.  

  • AR ~ don't forget to read 20-25 minutes every night.  Our halfway goal is approaching quickly. 

Reading BLOCKS 2 and 4 ~ 4/9

We started our new story today.  Our new story is John Henry.  We began by writing the definition of our vocabulary words in the blue section of our notebook.  Below are the six vocabulary words.

1. rebuild
2. acre
3. dynamite
4. commotion
5. pulverized
6. grit

Afterwards students were given the chance to be creative.  They worked with their teammates to create a skit/video of their vocabulary words.  

Then students began to use each word in a sentence, 7up style.  


  • Finish vocabulary sentences.  Each sentence should be a 7up senctence.  They should be in the blue section of your notebook right below your definitions.
  • AR ~ don't forget to read 20-25 minutes every night.  Our halfway goal is approaching quickly. 

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 4/9

We started our new story today.  Our new story is John Henry.  We began by writing the definition of our vocabulary words in the blue section of our notebook.  Below are the six vocabulary words.

1. rebuild
2. acre
3. dynamite
4. commotion
5. pulverized
6. grit

Afterwards students were given the chance to be creative.  They worked with their teammates to create a skit/video of their vocabulary words.  

Then students began to use their vocabulary words in a paragraph.  


  • Finish vocabulary paragraph.  This should be in the blue section of your notebook right below your definitions.
  • AR ~ don't forget to read 25-30 minutes every night.  Our halfway goal is approaching quickly.  

April 8, 2014

SS ~ 4/8

Today we continued to work on debit cards.  We looked at different stories and decided what was best for the character.  Afterwards we discussed the good/bad of debit cards.

1. Get permission slips signed for 3rd quarter 
    contract party, Ag day, and Rural AmeriTowne.
2. Bring in money for 3rd quarter contract party ($5)
3. Bring library books - we have library tomorrow!
4. Quiz - Don't forget about our quiz on Friday.

Reading ALL BLOCKS ~ 4/8

Today students received their new lit circle books.  Students worked with their group writing down their group information in the green section of their notebook.  The students worked with their groups to begin making their new contract.  This lit circle will be a little crazy with dates so be sure to watch when things are due.  Also students will no longer be doing their work in their notebook but on a loose leaf sheet of paper and putting it into their group folder.   

Students may start their lit circle book tonight or they may wait until Thursday when they get their first job.  

1. AR - Don't forget to do your reading.  AR 25 Club starts back up tomorrow.  

April 7, 2014

SS ~ 4/8

We continued our Rural AmeriTowne lessons today.  Our focus today was looking at Debit cards and using them in different scenarios and to be responsible.  

1. Quiz on Friday - Over the purple section (11 states).  After this section we will be working on capitals.    

Reading BLOCKS 2-4 ~ 4/8

Students identified the theme, author's purpose, and the author's point of view for The Gold Coin.  All three parts had to be have a reason.  

Students took their story quiz over The Gold Coin and we reviewed their answers.  

1. AR ~ don't forget to do your AR reading.  20-25 minutes every night.  You should be half way to your goal by April 23rd.  

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 4/8

Today students meet with their mini AR group and discussed their Venn diagram.  During this time they worked on comparing and contrasting The Gold Coin and their mini AR book. 

Students identified the theme, author's purpose, and the author's point of view for The Gold Coin.  All three parts had to be have a reason.  

Students took their story quiz over The Gold Coin and we reviewed their answers.  

1. AR ~ don't forget to do your AR reading.  25-30 minutes every night.  You should be half way to your goal by April 23rd.  

April 4, 2014

SS ~ 4/4

Today we had our state quiz.  We will have another one next Friday over the last region.  Then we will move onto capitals.  

We also had our pod meeting today.  

Reading BLOCKS 2, 3, and 4 ~ 4/4

Today students began reading their mini AR book with their partner.  Afterwards they took their mini AR book and compared/contrasted it to The Gold Coin.  Students completed a Venn diagram to compare/contrast the two stories.

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   AR goal.  If you are not, you will be in during recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 25-30 
   minutes every night.  

~ Finish your Venn diagram 

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 4/4

Today students finished reading their mini AR book with their partner.  Afterwards they took their mini AR book and compared/contrasted it to The Gold Coin.  Students completed a Venn diagram to compare/contrast the two stories.  After their Venn diagram students answered question #5 in their mini AR book using SLAMS (don't forget your supporting details).  This question related to their mini AR book and The Gold Coin.  

Below are the questions from each Mini AR book.  Make sure you find the book you were reading with your partner.  

From Dust to Hope
     5. Frances in this story and the thief in The Gold 
         Coin both learned something about kindness of 
         strangers.  Compare and contrast their         

The Peace Corps
     5. Do you think the thief in The Gold Coin would 
         have made a good Peace Corps volunteer? Why 
         or Why not?

Angel of the Battlefield
     5. What do you think Clara Barton could have 
         taught the thief in The Gold Coin about 
         the importance of charity?  

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   AR goal.  If you are not, you will be in during recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 25-30 
   minutes every night.  

~ Finish your Venn diagram and answer question 5 
    from your story.  Make sure both of these are in 
    the purple section of your notebook.  

April 3, 2014

SS ~ 4/3

Today students entered into Jelly Bean Land where they learned the three branches of government and what each branch did.  

~ State quiz tomorrow - red section.

Reading BLOCK 3 ~ 4/3

Today is reading students finished reading The Gold Coin as a class.  Afterwards they worked on their comprehension questions.  Our big focus was to find supporting details (from the text) to prove that our answer is correct.  

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   AR goal.  If you are not, you will be in during recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 20-25 
   minutes every night.  
~Story questions 2 and 3 on page 162 if you did 

   not finish in class.   

Reading BLOCKS 2 & 4 ~ 4/3

Today is reading students finished reading The Gold Coin as a class.  Afterwards they worked on their comprehension questions.  Our big focus was to find supporting details (from the text) to prove that our answer is correct.  

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   AR goal.  If you are not, you will be in during recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 20-25 
   minutes every night.  
~Story questions 2, 3, and 4 on page 162 if you did 

   not finish in class.   

Reading BLOCK 1 ~ 4/3

Today is reading students finished reading The Gold Coin with their table mates.  Afterwards they worked on their comprehension questions.  Our big focus was to find supporting details (from the text) to prove that our answer is correct.  

Students began reading a mini AR book with a partner.  

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   AR goal.  If you are not, you will be in during recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 25-30 
   minutes every night.  
~Story questions 2, 3, and 4 on page 162 if you did 

   not finish in class.   

April 2, 2014

SS ~ 4/2

Today during social studies we went to the library to check out some new books.  

~ Quiz on Friday.  We will be doing the red section.  A great chance to earn some extra is to know your capitals as well since there are only four states.  Remember you only get one chance on this region.  

Reading BLOCK 3 ~ 4/2

Today we started a new story: The Gold Coin.  The students worked on their context clues chart for their story vocabulary.  Students figure out what each vocabulary word means just by finding the word in the story and using their context clues.  Once they have defined the words using their context clues, they look them up in the glossary and see how close they were.  

Below is their vocabulary chart.
Vocabulary Words
Context Clues
     Pg 142

     Pg 142

     Pg 144

     Pg 156

     Pg 160

     Pg 160

After working on their vocabulary we got started with the story.

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   AR goal.  If you are not, you will be in during recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 20-25 
   minutes every night.   

Reading - BLOCKS 2 & 4 ~ 4/2

Today students worked on their context clues chart for their vocabulary for The Gold Coin.  Students figure out what each vocabulary word means just by finding the word in the story and using their context clues.  Once they have defined all the words using their context clues they look them up in the glossary and see how close they were.  

Below is our context clues chart. 
Vocabulary Words
Context Clues
     Pg 142

     Pg 142

     Pg 144

     Pg 156

     Pg 160

     Pg 160

After working on their vocabulary we began reading The Gold Coin as a class.  We will be finishing the story tomorrow.  

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   goal.  If you are not, then you will be in for recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 20-25 
   minutes every night.
~Vocabulary - if you didn't finish your chart, then you 
   will need to finish it tonight.  

Reading ~ BLOCK 1 4/2

Today students worked on their context clues chart for their vocabulary for The Gold Coin.  Students figure out what each vocabulary word means just by finding the word in the story and using their context clues.  Once they have defined all the words using their context clues they look them up in the glossary and see how close they were.  

Below is our context clues chart.
Vocabulary Word
Context Clues
     Pg 142

     Pg 142

     Pg 144

     Pg 156

     Pg 160

     Pg 160

     Pg 144

     Pg 154

     Pg 158

After working on our chart we began reading the story.  Students read the story with their table group.  

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   AR goal.  If you are not, you will be in during recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 25-30 
   minutes every night.  
~Vocabulary - if you didn't finish your context clues 
   chart you need to complete it tonight.  

April 1, 2014

Reading ~ BLOCKS 1, 2, and 4

Today students worked on completing their compare and contrast paragraphs of their two reading excerpts.  Students worked with a partner to answer questions about the stories and then use their answers to make their paragraphs.  

We also began our new story.  We will be reading The Gold Coin.  Today we started our vocabulary for the story and are using our context clues chart.  We will be finishing this tomorrow in class.  

Below is our chart.  

Vocabulary Word
Context Clues
     Pg 142

     Pg 142

     Pg 144

Remember that the context clues column is our guess as to what the word means by finding the word on the page and reading the sentence.  Then we look up what the definition is.  It is okay if your guess does not match the definition.  

Don't forget by tomorrow, April 2nd, you should be 25% of the way to your AR goal.  

~ AR - make sure you are reading 20-25 minutes every single night.