April 2, 2014

Reading - BLOCKS 2 & 4 ~ 4/2

Today students worked on their context clues chart for their vocabulary for The Gold Coin.  Students figure out what each vocabulary word means just by finding the word in the story and using their context clues.  Once they have defined all the words using their context clues they look them up in the glossary and see how close they were.  

Below is our context clues chart. 
Vocabulary Words
Context Clues
     Pg 142

     Pg 142

     Pg 144

     Pg 156

     Pg 160

     Pg 160

After working on their vocabulary we began reading The Gold Coin as a class.  We will be finishing the story tomorrow.  

~ AR - you should be about 25% of the way to your 
   goal.  If you are not, then you will be in for recess 
   to read.  Remember you should be reading 20-25 
   minutes every night.
~Vocabulary - if you didn't finish your chart, then you 
   will need to finish it tonight.  

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