April 1, 2014

Reading ~ BLOCKS 1, 2, and 4

Today students worked on completing their compare and contrast paragraphs of their two reading excerpts.  Students worked with a partner to answer questions about the stories and then use their answers to make their paragraphs.  

We also began our new story.  We will be reading The Gold Coin.  Today we started our vocabulary for the story and are using our context clues chart.  We will be finishing this tomorrow in class.  

Below is our chart.  

Vocabulary Word
Context Clues
     Pg 142

     Pg 142

     Pg 144

Remember that the context clues column is our guess as to what the word means by finding the word on the page and reading the sentence.  Then we look up what the definition is.  It is okay if your guess does not match the definition.  

Don't forget by tomorrow, April 2nd, you should be 25% of the way to your AR goal.  

~ AR - make sure you are reading 20-25 minutes every single night.  

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